Sun Damage and Windows

LowE Coating on window glass protects wood furniture

Sun Damage and Windows

While we all love the sun and its warmth, we need to consider the impact of sunlight on our homes. Most homeowners don’t consider the effect of the harmful rays of the sun on their home. The sun’s rays pass through the windows and negatively impact your home’s energy efficiency and can damage your furniture, carpet. For anyone sitting near the window, skin damage is a very real possibility too.

If your home has old and outdated single-pane windows, it’s time to consider more energy-efficient ones.

What are UV rays and why are they a hazard?

UV rays refer to the UVA and UVB rays of the sun that cause damage. We’re exposed to these rays every day, even if we’re indoors, due to the windows. These rays can be stripping and may affect the colour of your walls, carpet, and furniture. UV rays strip wood of its natural oils, making your wooden furniture and window frames weak. Increased exposure to UV rays can also increase the risk of developing skin cancer and could lead to burns too.

These UV rays enter your home through outdated single-pane windows. Low-quality glass allows nearly 90% of the UV rays to enter your home. They provide no protection against harmful radiation and make your home less energy-efficient too.

LowE Coating Protecting Furniture

Which windows should I opt for?

Energy-efficient windows and doors are a great investment for your home. They add to its value, which is something every homeowner wants.

Your home’s windows and doors are a barrier between the weather outside and the temperature inside. Your home’s HVAC system makes your home more comfortable, whether the air conditioner or the furnace are running. During the summers, the UV rays can make your home warmer than you like, increasing your reliance on the air conditioner. Likewise, during cooler months, your home experiences heating loss, increasing your dependency on the furnace.

Always opt for ENERGY STAR products for your home’s windows and doors to protect your home and family from damaging UV rays. The lower the u-factor of a product, the more energy-efficient it is. With these windows, your home’s furniture, carpets, and paint won’t suffer any damage.

If you’d like to opt for a trustworthy window and door installation company to replace inefficient windows, get in touch with Trust Build Windows and Doors! We specialize in providing Window Installation Toronto.

Take a look at the multiple Custom Replacement Windows and Doors Barrie has worked on before booking us for your home’s renovation as well.

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